That’s why using this revolutionary new Pet Brush Grooming Glove will make pet cleaning activities easy and fun. Best of all, it’ll cut down your grooming time with your pet significantly.
What does it do exactly?
Well, this glove does a few things:
- It acts as a cleaning glove that gets down deep past your dog’s multiple coats and to their skin, allowing you to dig up all of the dirt and debris in your dog’s fur.
- The soft silicone beads allow you to gently massage your dog while giving them a bath. This calms your anxious dog during cleaning time and stimulates blood flow.
- The texture and carefully crafted design of the glove allows you to also pick up loose fur along the way which helps prevent your dog from shedding in the house.
Best of all, you can do all of this just by petting your dog. It truly is a game changer for dog grooming.
No matter your dog breed, this glove works. It even works well with cats!
2 reviews for Pet Brush Grooming Glove